Friday, August 5, 2022


When I woke up this morning my eyesight was appreciably better and it has improved throughout the day. I popped out the right lens of my glasses so I could drive and see relatively well out of both eyes. It worked pretty well. Right now I'm wearing reading glasses with lenses in both eyes because the new lens doesn't correct my near vision, only distance vision.

The day lilies up on the retaining wall are blooming like crazy. I wish I was tall enough to get a head-on shot of the flowers but I'm not getting any taller so I'll have to make do with a shot from a lower angle.

The Stargazer lily's buds are popping open and the flower that I picked and brought inside is still perfuming the house, not as thoroughly as yesterday and the day before but I can still smell it when I'm sitting at the table.

I am happy to say that I could see well enough to draw today. The next figure in The 15-Minute Artist was a braid. It was interesting to draw and shade. I wasn't sure about the shading but I kept at it and eventually it started to look like hair.


As a treat I pulled out 10-Steps:Nature to draw the next item which was a fern. It took a lot of drawing to make all of the little leaflets on the frond and then to color them all in with three different shades of green. And then the little fiddlehead down at the bottom. Cute!

For today's watercolor I paraphrased Roger de La Fresnaye's cubist painting of The Fourteenth of July. I was intrigued with the blocks of pure color that made up the figures and shapes of the buildings behind them.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I worked on the Brioche Hat until I noticed that I had made mistakes in previous rows so I shifted to the Teal Meadow washcloth where all I had to do with knit two together once a row to start the decreases back to three stitches. Of course I didn't get all the way to the end but I made a start.

I didn't manage to toss anything today. I did go downstairs to look for something to toss but I didn't find anything. I even looked at my yarn stash listings on Ravelry to see if there was something I felt like I could or should get rid of but no. *shrugs* Oh well.

I went back to the eye doctor's for a quick eye pressure check and passed with flying colors. I was glad that I had the ugly dark sunglasses they gave me yesterday after surgery because I can't wear my regular sunglasses because they're prescription and popping out one lens kind of defeats the purpose.


P.S. Today Durwood would have been 83 years old. Happy birthday, my love!

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

You are definitely an artist. The fern with the little fiddlestick is perfect and the cubist people/buildings one is perfect too. So glad your eye is clearing up. You were smart with that one-lens eyeglasses trick. I knew you'd come through with flying colors!