Tuesday, August 9, 2022


I didn't really want to go out this afternoon and mow the lawn but I did. First, though, I spent a few minutes trying to convince myself that it was a good idea, that I couldn't procrastinate another day. I had to stop in the middle of mowing the backyard and scoop out handfuls of grass that was sticking to the underside of the mower deck so that the mower ran smoothly. I don't know why it clogs up so fast, maybe because I don't mow every week? Anyway, it's done and I even took a shower because I was such a sweat hog afterward.

The rusty red day lilies are still putting on a show. I wish that the landscaper had spread them out more along the retaining wall, interspersed them with the orange ones so they weren't kind of hiding at the end of the wall but I can see them and enjoy them so it's all good.

The next figure in the 3-D book was a Peaceful Pelican. I like it because it's cartoon-y but I didn't do the greatest job on the wing feathers. It'll do.

In Drawing Cute the next page showed a penguin and a snake. Like I said before, they remind me of illustrations in a children's book

I looked out the patio door and there was this Downy Woodpecker sitting on the suet pellets feeder just sitting there and looking at them. I don't know what it was thinking of but I was grateful that it sat still long enough for a picture.

Then I took a picture of this bunny nibbling on the long grass under the feeders. I wanted to take a picture of the baby bunny that crisscrossed the patio this afternoon but it didn't hold still long enough. I'm calling it Flash. I hope it doesn't eat too many of my ferns.

I was going to look for more people I could paint this afternoon but instead I fixated on a screensaver photo I took in Bonaire about 10 years ago. It's a Bar Jack swimming over the reef looking for prey. Not one of my best efforts. I'll look for people for tomorrow.

I didn't find a toss today. I could have gone downstairs for another package of paper napkins, I suppose, but I didn't. All I did was draw and mow. No, that's not right. I went to vote in the primary, then I went to the Dollar Tree for a supply of birthday cards, some cheater glasses, and sunglasses. Greeting cards are still $1 but everything else has gone up to $1.25. Will they change their name? I doubt it.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Love all the lilies along your retaining wall. Hope they bloom all summer. I noted the price change at Dollar Store too. Still fun to shop there. Well, I think it's fun to shop anywhere! Shopping is my hobby.