Saturday, August 13, 2022

So Dark

I woke up to rain and thunder this morning. It was so dark at 10:30 that the streetlight at the corner of the lot turned on! This picture of the rainy birdbath was taken about then and you can see how dark it was. The flash even flashed. It rained off and on until about 1 o'clock when I went out to run some errands. It was good to get out even in the rain because I had stayed home for a couple weeks except for trips to the surgery center and I was tired of it.

The next figure in the 3-D book was called Pencil Power. I was impressed that I managed to make the fist holding the pencil look like a real (cartoon) hand.

In 10-Steps: People I took another run at one of the faces and this time it turned out better than I hoped. It still doesn't look exactly like the picture in the book but it's much improved over my last attempt.

I planned to start the grill this afternoon to cook a package of spinach-feta sausages I'd thawed out but it still looked like rain so I grilled them under the broiler. They won't have that wonderful charcoal flavor but they'll be good nevertheless. I'm looking forward to eating them for suppers over the next week. I feel the need for a little variety.

This evening I sat down and finished the Brioche Hat. I didn't have much left to do and the crown decreases only took three rounds so it got smaller real fast. I can't look at it without seeing all of my booboos but it'll be a nice warm hat come winter.

Instead of casting on another brioche hat immediately I decided to start a sock. I bought this yarn at Stix in Bozeman, MT a few years ago and think it's time it got knitted up. Besides I don't really have a red sock. Maybe I'll go crazy and knit two red socks.

Today's toss was another package of paper napkins. Yes, I have a carton of them and plan to toss one a day until the box is empty. It'd be too easy to just haul the whole box of them upstairs. This way I have to go down and up the basement stairs at least once a day.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Both your art works are outstanding today. The girl is really lovely and she's a BAM original so she doesn't have to look just like the example. Yes -- very, very, VERY dark in the bird bath picture. But glad you got out anyway. Enjoy your sausages.