Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Today I saw the real baby bunnies. The smallest one is a third the size of the one I showed you the other day and the bigger one is about half the size of it. They didn't stay long and the littlest one really didn't know what it was doing out in the open. It kept crouching down and looking around. The bigger one zoomed off to the left and the little one galumphed off to the right behind the birdseed cans.

In other wildlife news, I glanced up from drawing and saw the cat looking at me. It just stared for a few minutes and then turned and sauntered off. It isn't wearing a collar so I assume it doesn't belong to anyone.

Dad's rose is blooming again. There are just a couple flowers open, one high and one low, but neither of them has Japanese beetles on it. Watch, now that I've said that they'll show up and gobble the flowers.

I need to go out with scissors tomorrow and cut back the purple mums. They're always eager to start budding and blooming in the hot summer when they know they're supposed to wait until fall. They don't seem to mind when I cut them back and make them wait.

The next figure or rather figures in the 3-D book were these Pirouetting Pandas. Well, one pirouetting, one laughing, and one fallen down. They were fun and easy to draw.

My eyes are doing pretty well. My left eye still feels like there's something in it at times and it isn't quite as sharp as the right eye but it's only been five days since the surgery so I'd say it's doing just fine. I don't go back for a checkup until the first week of September so I anticipate improvement until then.

Today's toss was another package of napkins. And then I made the shopping list for next week's Investment Cooking extravaganza which meant a couple trips down and up the basement stairs checking to see if I had any of them on hand. I picked out eight recipes this time and none of them are slow cooker ones so it'll be a week of real cooking.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Teeny, tiny baby bunny. So cute. But then any baby is cute. Glad you could capture a picture to share. So much wildlife in your yard. Now a cat!!