Sunday, August 21, 2022

Man, My Yard Is Big

Seeming like a sort of a punishment for having a wonderful weekend away, I mowed the lawn after supper today and, man, my yard is big. It's a lot of work. Mowing makes me hot and sweaty and thirsty but in a good way.


This was the view from my bed when I woke up Saturday morning. The sky was pinker in real life but the lake looked so calm and peaceful I could have looked at it forever.

In the distance was this little boat with a fisherman in it. All was quiet and serene.

Here's where we spent most of the weekend. We each were tasked with making sure that a chair didn't blow away, not that it was windy enough for that to happen, but we weren't willing to chance it. You can see CS's hummingbird feeder hanging in the opening and we watched and heard the little birds all the time. They're so fierce and there's one bully female who guards the feeder and chases off other birds. She'll sit on a branch on a tree down by the water and wait for another bird to come for a drink. We could hear her chirp and then her wings as she zooms over and the other bird flees. Such fun to watch.

I got a lot of knitting done on Friday afternoon and night and Saturday all day. I worked almost exclusively on my True North sock and got through the heel flap on Friday. I decided to wait until Saturday morning to turn the heel because that takes focus and concentration and I was too tired and it was too dim to do a good job. On Saturday I turned the heel, picked up the gusset stitches, and decreased back down to the original stitch count for the foot, then proceeded down the foot. I've got a few more inches to knit even before beginning the toe decreases. I think this is the fastest I've ever knitted a sock.

When I put the sock away, I pulled out cotton yarn and size 5 needles and cast on Another Teal Meadow washcloth. That's a pattern I can knit almost in my sleep so it was the right one for late in the evening both days.

One of the baby bunnies was hopping around on the patio and I managed to nab a shot of it just before it slipped behind the birdseed can and headed into the ferns.

I was surprised when I got home and looked out the patio door to see a male Hummingbird sitting on one of the crooks. He'd fly down, have a few sips, and then go back to the crook. He did that for a few minutes until a female showed up and he had to chase her away. They went back and forth a few times while I watched over an hour or so. Today is one of the few times I've seen a male Hummingbird this year. I hope he comes back before they all migrate away which is coming.

I had a great time this weekend. The weather was perfect--partly sunny and breezy, with rain only at night. (like Camelot!) We talked and laughed and talked and talked. CS knitted us each a pair of fingerless mitts as a present and we got to sort through a box of greeting cards that she'd picked up from one of her accounts. She sells greeting cards so has lots of them to share. It was a wonderful, relaxing time. Great food and great company.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Your weekend sounded and looks perfect. A little "time out" with girlfriends has got to be fun. Nice to see that male hummingbird. Thanks for sharing the picture.