Tuesday, August 2, 2022

It's Really Dark...

... at 9pm when it's cloudy (and if it's cloudy it should rain). There wasn't even a hint of sunset left when I came back here. When I was getting out my watercolor stuff at around 8 o'clock I could see a glimmer of orange out the west-facing window. It's kind of demoralizing how fast time flies. Speaking of watercolor, I tried my idea of painting the background pale green and then plonking a flower on top of it with darker green leaves. It kind of worked but the paper tore when I was pulling off the tape that held the postcard to the plexiglass board. Dang it.

The Stargazer lily popped open a couple flowers today or maybe yesterday. I forgot to go out and check. They are as big as my hand and they smell like heaven.

The plain old orange day lilies up on the retaining wall are blooming too. They kind of bloom in waves. Some days there are very few flowers open and other days there's a drift of them. Today there was a drift.

The next figure in the 3-D book was this overflowing washer; I don't remember what he called it. It was fun to draw. My suds aren't as detailed as the ones in the book but still I like the way it turned out.

From 10-Steps: Everyday Things we  have a shelf of toiletries. I'm happy with the way it turned out except that the toothpaste tube isn't as big as it should be. I've decided that it's a sample tube.

I went to the dentist today for teeth cleaning and a quick exam. Everything is a-okay and I got a new green toothbrush. After my last visit which cost me nearly two hundred smackers, I did a little calling around and found that I could get dental insurance through Proctor & Gamble for not much money so I signed up. Today it paid off. My part of the bill was three bucks. That's three whole dollars instead of one hundred ninety dollars. Score!

I've been neglecting watering the new bushes at the corners of the house and happened to notice that the one on the rental side was looking a little droopy so I dragged the hose over and set it on low to soak into the roots. After an hour the leaves were looking perkier. Guess I can't slack off and expect them to thrive.



Aunt B said...

Trying to comment using Paul's computer but it isn't easy.

Aunt B said...

Looks like I made it work. Yay me!! Anyway, glad you signed up for dental insurance. It's not fun going to the dentist and then when it costs soooo much, it makes it worse.