Sunday, August 14, 2022

Still Got Lilies

The rusty red day lilies are blooming like mad these days. I love the contrast of the deep yellow centers and the stripe up the petals with the rusty, maroon-ish red around it. I was going to try my hand at painting one again but I got caught up in rereading a manuscript and ran out of time. Ah well, maybe tomorrow.

I got to the end of the lessons in You Can Draw It In 30 Minutes today. It was the most complicated lesson of all, of course, and really challenged my abilities. Drawing the ribbons was the stumper. It was hard to figure out the directions. Thank heavens he has an example for every few steps that I can enlarge and copy.

In 10-Steps: Nature I redrew the Maple leaves. I drew them a few days ago and made them too small. By the time I realized what I'd done I had already used the fine liner to outline my drawing so I went ahead and colored it in but it looked silly with tiny little leaves on long stems. So I redid it today and think it's much better. At least they're the right size.

This squirrel was determined to get every last kernel of corn off the cobs today. It contorted itself around, hung from its back legs, and crawled all over the feeders to get a bite.

I finally got a picture of the baby bunny. It's grown since last week and it might not even be the same baby that I saw last week but it's small and cute so here you go. Baby bunny. Awwww.

Today was the four year anniversary of Durwood's passing. I was afraid that I'd be in a funk all day but the sun came out and I did my drawings and then reread my manuscript again and think that I've maybe got an idea or two about how to breathe some life into it. It was a good day filled with happy memories of my one special person who I still miss like crazy but thoughts of him make me smile. Time is a good thing.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Glad to read that last paragraph today. I'm thinking of that quote from Joe Biden about how memories move from bringing a tear to your eye to bringing a smile to your lips. Sounds like you've gotten there.