Sunday, September 19, 2021

Too Soon

I looked at the tree across the street this afternoon and saw orange leaves on it.  No!!!!!  It's too soon for leaves to start turning colors, although I did notice a few other trees' leaves changing colors when I was driving around yesterday.


The other thing I saw across the street and down a couple houses was this flock of birthday flamingos that my neighbor's daughter ordered up for his birthday.  Happy birthday, TS!

Another orange day lily bloomed today.  Everything is getting to the end of the season.  One flower at a time is better than no flowers.

I captured another bee investigating every little floret on the sedum.  I know that I keep putting this nearly same picture on here but I do love seeing the bees.

I was knitting on the baby blanket this afternoon and started on the decrease side only to discover that I evidently didn't follow the pattern on the increase side since there aren't any yarn over holes in that side.  Now what do I do?  I didn't make notes on the Ravelry page for this project and I'm not at all sure that I can read my knitting to figure it out.  Part of me wants to yank out the needles and unravel the whole thing but that would be a royal pain because I'm holding the yarn double and overlapping colors.  I suppose I could just rip out the three increase rows and try again.  *sigh*  Tomorrow.

Today's toss was a tool roll that I found in the garage.  I don't know where it came from but I don't use it.

The prompt today said that for a year you can't buy any clothes, household items, or technology.  How would that affect you?  Well, my microwave is making an odd sound so if it went on the blink I'd have to reheat my meals in the oven or on the stove.  My laptop and printer are pretty new and my cellphone is working fine.  I have enough clothes so that I'm decently covered so I think that I'd do all right as long as I could still buy groceries.

I spent the afternoon watching the first season of Blown Away on Netflix.  It's an elimination contest of glassblowers.  Wow, they can do amazing things with molten glass and the woman that I thought didn't have a chance won the whole thing.  Shows what I know.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

What a clever idea all those birthday flamingoes are -- if you like flamingoes, that is. But who wouldn't love to wake up to a surprise like that? I agree that it's too early for the leaves to start changing colors but that's a very pretty picture.