Today was a birdie day at the feeders, not that I got pictures of all the birds that came, but I saw a lot of different ones. I did get a picture of the Cardinal that hogged the platform feeder, fending off a pair of House Finches that tried to share.
And the female Hummingbird came to the nectar feeder and then sat on the crook for a minute or so giving me a chance to take her picture. I didn't manage to get a picture of the Bluejay or the Goldfinch. They didn't stay very long, flew off before I got the camera up to my eye.

Today is the first day of Investment Cooking week. I waited to go to the grocery until just after lunch because I learned the hard way that Monday morning the shelves are a bit sparse but get stocked by afternoon. I spent about $20 more on supplies than last time but I also pulled out eight recipes instead of seven. Late in the afternoon I put together the first of the eight recipes, Chicken Burrito Bowls. I splurged on chicken tenders that I sprinkled with a spice mix and cooked in the microwave before cutting into bite-size pieces and assembling the bowls with chicken, black beans, corn, and brown rice. Before serving they get topped with a dollop of Greek yogurt and a couple spoonfuls of salsa. Yummy! And only 2 WW points per serving. They're supposed to have cauliflower lime rice but it's a pain to make and I like real rice better.
The next figure in the 3-D book was this foot and mouse. I don't know how this fits into Lesson "P" but it was fun to draw.
Next in 10-Steps: Nature was a raccoon. It turned out pretty well, I think. I didn't have the colored pencils in the right shades of gray but managed with light blue and darker gray.
And finally the next page in 10-Steps: Everyday Things was this succulent in a pot. It's a little cockeyed but I think it looks okay.
Today's watercolor is my two favorite small people. This is the second painting I did today. I spilled water on the first one and ruined it so I tossed it and started over. I'll try the landscape, lakescape again tomorrow. Maybe. If I'm not too busy cooking.
I didn't find anything to toss today but I did go out and fill the feeders. I also ended up having to cut off both ends of the watering hose because I couldn't pull it through underground. I guess having CG bury it when he built the retaining wall and had to redo part of the lawn wasn't the greatest idea. Oh well, I can buy another hose.