Sunday, June 12, 2022

This Is The Way We Wash Our Clothes...

Lala left around 9:30am and since I didn't have anyone around to entertain me I went downstairs and started the wash. I only had 3 loads so it didn't take all day but it got me off my chair and up and down the basement stairs a few times.

The poppies on the side of the house popped this weekend. The other day there was just the one flower and now there are all the flowers. Too bad they don't last long but they sure are pretty when they're here.

The yellow iris opened up three flowers and managed to keep the stem upright. I don't think the stalk is much thicker than the purple ones or the flowers any smaller but somehow it is standing up tall. I like 'em.

The Cardinal pair has taken to visiting the platform feeder separately. I assume that means that they've got a nest of babies that they're taking care of. I tried to get a picture of him with his head in the sunshine but he ducked into the shade and then flew away. Tsk.

I enjoyed today's first drawing. It's a basket of tomatoes that was very interesting to shade.

I'm still hard at work drawing faces. I'm determined to make the eyes match and make them look like people instead of deer in the headlights. I think I'm making progress.

Today's watercolor is, well, it's done and it's colorful but it doesn't look anything like the picture I painted it from. I got a little crazy with the dark green.

I didn't go looking for anything to toss today. To be honest I didn't think of it.

It was sure nice to have company for the weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I get to look forward to a library reception on Wednesday and a house call on Thursday. It's a new service offered by my Medicare Part B provider. I kind of got bullied into scheduling it. I'll be interested to see how it plays out. I'll report.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

A house call!! I'm amazed. Thought that was a thing of the very long ago past. Glad you enjoyed your weekend -- and even got the laundry done already. Good for you.