Saturday, June 25, 2022

Half Done

The landscapers came again this morning with all their shovels, rakes, and wheelbarrows. They used the tractor to yank out the bushes at the corners of the house and replaced them with new, smaller shrubs. Then they trenched across the front of the house and around the side and spread a thick layer of mulch over the area. It looks nice. When they got done with that they packed up and left because they were predicting rain for the afternoon and they didn't want to open the garden and have the dirt get all wet and slimy. Well, it didn't really rain, it only sprinkled, but they said they'll be back tomorrow to finish the job. It was a real disappointment when they drove away.

I happened to look out just in time to see a Red-bellied Woodpecker fly away from the suet pellet feeder but I caught the Downy Woodpecker on the suet cakes.

The next thing to draw in You Can Draw In 30 Minutes was a nose. Just a nose so I drew it three times because the first one seemed kind of lonely there on the page all alone.

Then I opened 10-Step Drawing: People to the beginning and drew the first three things--an eye, a nose, and an ear. I didn't like the first ear so I drew it again and was happier with it. I despair of ever getting any good at drawing faces. Every time I draw one it doesn't look anything like the example but I'll keep trying.

After that I looked to see what the next figure was in 10-Step: Nature. A Hummingbird! It isn't the best bird I've ever drawn but it isn't bad. This coloration must be the type of Hummingbird they have in England because it wasn't until I was coloring it that I realized that it didn't look like our Ruby-throated ones. I think I'll take another stab at it another day and change the color to look more like what I see at the feeder.

And that's it. I didn't paint a watercolor today, I just didn't feel like it. I don't know why. I borrowed an ebook from Hoopla (a service through the library) and sat at the table reading for most of the afternoon. Reading is a valid way to spend the day.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That mulch looks so neat and tidy. The whole place is going to be perfect when it's finished. So nice to have the professionals come in and do it all. Yes, reading is a wonderful way to spend the day. It does take you away without leaving home.