Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Hot and Sunny

That was today. The only thing that saved it was it wasn't very humid but it was hot. Hot hot hot. And of course I wore a black tank top. Fortunately I didn't have to walk outside farther than across the street at the library. I had my final book sorting training session this morning and must have done okay because now I don't need to be there with the head guy, I can go on my own. They want us sorters to do at least an hour a week. An hour isn't very long, I can get through a lot of books in a hour. I'll have to check with KW to see if she's up for a sorting date next week.

Dad's rose bloomed! I opened the shade this morning and there were two little roses looking just as perky as you please. LC and I had a sniff and they smell great too.

The Asiatic lilies next to the rose bush is blooming like crazy. I think it looks like a big yellow bouquet.


There was a Catbird on top of the suet cake feeder. I like their sleek gray look with the black cap on top of their head. Their name comes from one of their calls which sounds just like a cat mewing. It's kind of creepy when you realize that it's a bird sounding like a stray cat.

A Bluejay visited the suet pellet feeder this morning and actually stayed long enough for me to take its picture. I was tempted by yesterday's successful Bluebird painting to try a Bluejay but sanity prevailed. I don't think I'm ready for something that complicated.

So I painted another poppy. I'm happier with this one, it's looser and more smooshy, more the essence of a poppy rather than an exact replica. Just what I was looking for in my watercolor workshop last month. I woke up thinking that I sure am glad that I'm not at The Clearing this week when it's so blamed hot. There's air conditioning in the classrooms but not in the accommodations. It would have been miserable trying to sleep in this heat. I was happy with the cool and damp of my week.

The next figure in The 15-Minute Artist today was a sneaker. I thought I'd have trouble drawing it but I just put the lines down and there was a shoe on the paper.

I've been thinking about relearning how to knit the brioche stitch. I learned a few years ago but haven't knitted that way since so I found a YouTube video instruction, cast on, and tried knitting along. I didn't get very far before I was hopelessly lost, pulled out the needles, and gave up. Guess I have to schedule an in-person lesson with CS who is a brioche expert. One of these days I will.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That rose photo looks like a crown and swords and the lilies are definitely a bouquet. Everything beautiful today -- as usual!