Tuesday, June 28, 2022

There Still Are Flowers

Even though the landscapers used a tractor and scraped off all of the flowers that were in the corner of the garden I still have a few flowers in the yard. There's a nice bunch of spiderwort that's growing up around the sump pump (if I had one) outflow pipe that's merrily blooming these days.

And the first orange daylily has started to bloom.

The row of Stella d'Oro lilies across the retaining wall has opened up buds all down the line,

and in the front the red daylily is celebrating its new mulch by sending out a load of flowers.

A Bluejay stopped for long enough to have a picture snapped before hopping down to the ground and nabbing a fallen peanut.

The next lesson in You Can Draw in 30 Minutes was seahorses, both the main drawing of a regular Seahorse,

and the Bonus Challenge of a Leafy Seadragon. Cool.

For today's watercolor I tried my hand at capturing the Asiatic Lilies that are growing little brown spots and getting to the end of their life.

I was digging around out in the garage and found an old coffee can that I didn't need anymore so that became my toss of the day. Mostly I spent the day reading, drawing, and working on brioche knitting. I think I might have cracked the brioche code but I'm not ready to show my work just yet. Let me get a couple more rounds under my belt and I'll consider it.

I have been eating strawberries like they're free. But they are so good I can't leave them alone.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Love all the close-up shots of your remaining flowers. That row of lilies along the retaining wall is so pretty. Glad you're enjoying those luscious-looking strawberries.