Sunday, June 26, 2022

All Done

The landscapers showed up around 8:30 this morning and got right to work. It was a big job clearing the stakes, wire fences, and landscape timbers not to mention all of the mint that had made a mat of runners just under the ground that held everything in place. It was an even bigger surprise to learn that there was a thriving community of mice living in there. The two women were skittish, doing little gandy dances when the mice scattered.

By the early afternoon they had spread topsoil over the scraped area and eased the slope so that I'll have an easier time mowing, then they rolled out a straw filled mesh cover that they pinned down over the seeded and fertilized ground. I had them leave the end of the hose that carried water to the garden, got out my trusty hose timer, and have an oscillating sprinkler all ready to start watering the grass seed morning and evening starting tomorrow.

The next figure in the 3-D book was a Meandering Manatee and I wasn't so sure that it would turn out but I think it looks pretty good.

Then I got out 10-Step: Nature and a bird ID book so I could redraw the Hummingbird and make it look like our Ruby-throated Hummingbird that visits the feeder. I had to laugh when I saw a real Hummingbird this evening because it's about one quarter the size of the drawing and it was too quick to have its picture taken.

I had three bananas too ripe for eating so I made some WW "Nice" Cream with them. You put the peeled bananas, almond milk, vanilla, and frozen fruit into the food processor and whir it up. I put in fruit mix that has whole strawberries in it and they didn't get very cut up but it tasted good anyway. And I still have two servings in the freezer for next time. I forgot to take a picture but it looks like a pink smoothie so you can use your imagination.

I went out and took pictures of a bunch of flowers and decided to paint a pansy. I think it looks more like a flower and less like a monkey or a paw print than previous attempts.

DS texted this morning that he and OJ were going to be at Titletown Park and did I want to come and hang out with them. Of course I did! It was a beautiful sunny breezy day and OJ had a wonderful time on all of the playground equipment and especially rolling and running down the tubing hill.  We played foosball too. DS and OJ beat me. A fun time was had by all.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That was quite a project in your yard but it looks good. Wonder where all those mice are going to live now. Hope not in your basement! Nice picture of the manatee. I'd know it anywhere.