Wednesday, June 1, 2022

I Got the Bluejay

I was going to write "I Got the Blues" but didn't want you to think that I'm sad. I'm not, I was just happy to catch a photo or three of a Bluejay on the crook looking around for what it could eat. Bluejays don't come around very often so I'm always glad to see one and even gladder to get a photo.

Today's drawing out of the 3-D book was a disappointment. It's supposed to be a labyrinth and I couldn't draw it right. I drew and erased, drew and erased, and finally made all of the walls straight and just shaded it and called it done. Blech. Not anywhere close to my finest hour.

Then I took another run at the third face in 10-Step: People. It's better. I had better luck with the hair this time.

I'm much happier with today's postcard watercolor of an iris. I took my time, drew out a flower, and tried out the paint colors before putting them on the paper. Now if I could only figure out how to keep the masking tape from tearing off the surface of the postcard I'd be even happier. I almost typed that I think I'm getting better at this but, watch, tomorrow's painting will look like the dog's dinner, so I won't be bragging on myself tonight.

Today's toss was a few boxes of toddler-level flash cards. No toddlers left around here, only big kids.

The a/c tuneup tech came today. His original arrival window was 11-1. I was happy with that but when they called to confirm the appointment she said 10-12. Okay. So I busied around and got stuff done so that I would be ready. He called at 12:45 apologizing for being late but I let him off the hook since that was my original time. He didn't find any problems with either my a/c or the rental one. Whew. I didn't really expect problems but you can never be sure. He's a nice guy, I wouldn't mind if he keeps coming back. Now I have to dig up an appliance service guy because the rental washer isn't working so well and I proposed we have a service call before replacing the thing. That's bound to be cheaper, right?


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I'm giving you bragging rights -- especially on your watercolors. But everything is really good. You're a talented woman.