Thursday, June 23, 2022

Slow Learner

You know, I used to be a quick study, picking up new things fairly quickly but evidently I've lost the touch. I decided to take another run at knitting a brioche stitch hat tonight so I cast on and got started, sitting here in front of the laptop with a YouTube video at the ready. I followed along and got through two rounds but when I went to start the third round what I was faced with didn't match what the lady on the video had and there was no way I could figure out what went wrong. I took a picture before I turned this tiny bit of knitting back into two separate balls of yarn. I'll get it. I'm not giving up. CS has agreed to tutor me, thank heavens.

I got a call from the landscaper this morning that he'll be here tomorrow with his crew to tear out the garden area and turn it into grass. I'll be sorry to lose the flowers that make up about a quarter of the space but it will make mowing the slope a whole lot easier. I'm all for that. I'm willing to sacrifice the asparagus and perennials for mowing ease and safety. I did find and transplant a clump of chocolate mint for the grandkids to munch on. I hope it survives. What am I saying? Mint is the cockroach of the plant family, it's pretty much indestructible.

These little white flowers will be gone too and I still don't know the name of them. Oh well.

Today's figure in the 3-D book was fun to draw. It's a mouse on a pencil/rocket. I got to show it off to LC and she was delighted with it. Me too.

The next picture in 10-Step: Nature was a bird's nest. It doesn't look much like the picture and those are supposed to be feathers there on the left of the eggs, not bunny ears.

I decided to try my hand at painting the waterlilies that I saw at the Botanical Garden a couple weeks ago. I think it turned out okay except I regret trying to paint the dark shadow of a tree looming over the pond. It looks like a stump sticking up from the front. I'll try again another day. Without the shadow.

I can't wait to get the garden gone and the shrubs in front replaced tomorrow. It's supposed to be blazing hot again, naturally, but I'll make sure that they have plenty of water.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That looks like complicated knitting but I know you'll master it. Good you're getting your yard transformed into something easier to maintain. Try to stay cool. Too hot up there!!