Friday, June 3, 2022

Like A Gorilla In A Birdcage

That's what I think when I see that one of the Mourning Doves has managed to wedge itself into the platform feeder. It's just too much bird for that little space. I don't know how it gets in there. I'd think it would bonk its head and wings on entry but evidently not. Either that or it's sitting there with a headache.

I only drew one picture today. It's out of You Can Draw In 30 Minutes a Day and it's a mouth. Not just any mouth, but a lush mouth. In this book he has you use hacks and blueprints to sketch the figure and then refine it. The Bonus Challenge was cones with contour lines on them. I skipped drawing them.

The watercolor postcard today is hollyhocks with delphiniums alongside. It's one of the pictures that I did at class. I figure if I keep painting those things that I have directions for I can't help but learn how to paint better.

At Friday Night Knitting I finished the Seagull dishcloth with 15 minutes to spare so I had time to knit one row of the Simple Alpaca Shawl. I need to buckle down and knit one row a day, maybe two rows, so that I'll get the darned thing done sometime this century. It came to me tonight that knitting a shawl in worsted weight yarn takes a lot longer than knitting it with the called-for bulky yarn.

Today I took the tosses to Goodwill on my way home from the grocery.

DS and OJ stopped over this afternoon to use the tools to shape and sand their Pinewood Derby car. They had to get it done today, the race is tomorrow. They cut the block of wood into a wedge shape and will decorate it with a cheese sticker so it looks like a wedge of Cheddar rolling down the track. I can't wait to see it when it's finished.

Thanks for calling this afternoon, Aunt B, it was great to hear your voice.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

The mourning dove looks like it might be ashamed of itself for being up there in the platform feeder. Great talking with you too. Perfect drawing of those luscious lips!