Wednesday, June 29, 2022

I Got It

I think I did anyway. I spent the last few days thinking about brioche knitting and watched another instructional video, a different one this time, and yesterday I cast on--again--and this time I think I got it. I knitted six rounds yesterday and six rounds today which is about all the intense concentration I can tolerate in a day. So now I only have to keep knitting around and around and around until I get to eleven inches. That will take me a while.

A squirrel popped up onto the suet pellets for the first time in a few days. Usually they're up there all the time but lately it's been Sparrows and Downy Woodpeckers but then there came this squirrel dangling there having a suet snack.

I enjoyed the next figure in the 3-D book today. It's a Migrating Martian according to the book.
It was fun to draw.

From 10-Step: People I went back to the beginning and drew the eye, nose, ear, and mouth all on the same page. I took a stab at drawing both a right eye and a left eye and it wasn't until I'd finished the page that I realized that I'd drawn something weird. Poor cross-eyed thing, her parts are all disarranged.

I don't know if the Hummingbirds are visiting the nicotiana but I'm liking the red trumpets. They're fuzzy like petunias and an excellent shade of red.

For today's watercolor I went back into the sketchbook I made at my watercolor workshop and tried replicating one of the first paintings we did. I like the stormy look of the sky.

I texted my friend KW and we met at the downtown library to sort donated books. There weren't very many there to be sorted so we only worked about a half-hour but I brought home a couple DVDs to watch that were going to be thrown away. Score!


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That knitting does look complicated and I'm sure you're pleased with yourself for mastering it. I knew you could do it. Your talents know no bounds!