Friday, July 7, 2023

What's Blooming Today?

Lots of lilies are blooming today. The best one is the dusty pink one that I forget is up on the retaining wall. It's a little more ruffly than the standard ones and a very different color.

The Stella d'Oro lilies are still putting on a show. I love the deep yellow color of them contrasting with the bright green of the leaves.

Then there's the old standby orange day lilies. I think these are a different hybrid than the plain old old ones but they're orange so I'm lumping them in with them.


Next to the orange lilies is a stand of milkweed that's starting to bloom. I saw a couple Monarch butterflies on them the other day but can't see any eggs laid on the leaves. Darn it.

And good old Dad's roses are still making themselves known. I noticed their fragrance when I went out to put some mail out for the postman today. Mm, smells so good.

The next flower in 10-Steps Drawing: Flowers was a tulip. It was pretty easy to draw and fun to color. 

This afternoon I was sitting at the table and saw movement out of the corner of my eye. There was the hen turkey passing through with a bunch of babies. There are 3 or 4 babies in this picture but there were probably twice that many. They didn't spend a lot of time pecking at the seed but long enough for me to get a couple good snaps.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I focused on crocheting on the Gray & Purple Hat until my iPad which I use as a round counter ran out of battery then I had to knit a few rounds on the Hayden Hawthorne Sock. I have to check the pattern but I think I'm closing in on the sock toe. I have to measure.

I thought that rabbits were digging in and chewing up my coleus in pots in the front but the other day I looked out and there was a chipmunk in one of the pots just digging away. Arrgh. Darned little rodents.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Thanks for the flower show this morning. They are all beautiful but that rose wins the blue ribbon. That turkey would have scared me. Glad you got a shot with some of the "family."