Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Not One

Well. I went back up to OtherWorlds Books & More in Sturgeon Bay this afternoon for another tour bus stop with high hopes only to have them dashed. It was another busload of non-readers. I'm committed to go back on Thursday from 10-6 for sidewalk day although we'll be indoors, not baking in the heat outside. I'm disappointed about today but I have a feeling that Thursday will be better. I can't stay home and not try. The 50 mile drive seemed shorter today--both ways.

This little Chickadee was having a great time on the suet pellets feeder this morning. I'm entertained by all the time the birds that aren't woodpeckers spend on there. Every once in a while a woodpecker shows up and manages a few pecks on the pellets but most of the time it's Sparrows, House Finches, and Chickadees. They're mad for the stuff, not the suet cakes, just the pellets.

Here's one of the Black-eyed Susans that managed to bloom without a weed canopy over it. Like I said, when it cools off in a few days I'll go out and see if I can't cut back some of the weeds to give them a chance.

A week ago or so I found that a &*%$# chipmunk had dug up one of my geraniums. Instead of throwing the plant away I let it lay there on the dirt for a couple days and then decided to try replanting it. Well, would you look at that. See those green leaves? It isn't dead after all. Nature is amazing.


The Daily Practice today was Seashells. I like lettering the pages and drawing the figures. The shells turned out okay and they're from her imagination, not real life. I was amazed at the difference the dashes and dotted lines made in how they looked.

I opened Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers to the next page and found this quartet of zinnia-looking flowers. I was a little intimidated by all of the petals but I think they turned out okay. I especially like the one in the lower left with the windblown looking petals.

I spent an hour this morning watching the next Amazon Ads Profit Challenge video. It was about comparing your ad spend with your profits. Ha. What profits? Since I started running Amazon Ads I've made all of one sale. Makes me think that either there's something terminally wrong with my books or I'm wasting my time trying to sell them to strangers.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Darn it!! Maybe people on tours aren't thinking about reading -- just seeing the sights. At least you have an easy drive to Sturgeon Bay.