Sunday, July 9, 2023

Lazy Sunday

It was a beautiful day here in retirement-land and I did very little. I watched this quartet of Mourning Doves pecking around in the fallen seed and was amazed at how camouflaged they are. Somehow their gray feathers blend into the dried and brown grass.

Then the Cardinal hopped onto the platform feeder but the Mourning Doves had just about cleaned it out. I didn't realize that the Mourning Doves like safflower seed but they do and they manage to cram their big selves into the feeder and still peck up nearly all the seed.

I went over to Michaels to see if I could find some pale gray, beige, and cream colored pencils. I did find some so when I got home I got out the Draw Chibis book and drew a hedgehog and a horse. I'm in love with the hedgehog. I just love the happy look on its little face.

On Creativebug I came across another Daily Practice, this one with drawing, so I pulled out my big drawing pad and drew the first three days' worth of pictures. The artist is the same person who drew all of the pictures in Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers so I'm familiar with her style. I like it.

And that was it for my day. I goofed off online, reread the article about #BookTok on TikTok trying to figure out if that is something I could do, watched a few episodes of Longmire, and took a little walk once the sun started going down. All in all, a lazy Sunday.

Oh, and I called Aunt B to wish her a Happy Birthday!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Thanks again for the birthday serenade yesterday. Never too old to love having that little ditty sung in your honor.