Saturday, July 8, 2023

And It Was A Bird Day

Even though I didn't see the turkey with her babies again today, it was a pretty good bird day. First I saw a Goldfinch on the tube feeder. I haven't seen a Goldfinch in a long time so I was glad to get a chance to take his picture.

Then a Cardinal showed up on the platform feeder. He's still a bully chasing away all the rest of the birds.


The Sparrows have discovered the joys and tastiness of the suet pellets. I filled this feeder on Thursday and by today they had emptied it. I can't decide if it's the orange flavor they like or the suet. I think the next kind I buy won't be the orange as an experiment to see if it's the flavoring or the fat.

But my favorite was the bathing Robin. I wish I felt as happy and enthusiastic when I shower as these birds do. Look at that flapping. You can't really tell what kind of bird it is but a minute after I snapped this picture the Robin hopped to the edge of the birdbath and then flew away. How do they fly when they're so wet? I don't understand.

I finished up a sketchbook today with more figures from Draw 20 Jellyfish so I inaugurated a new sketchbook (thanks for the new sketchbooks for Mother's Day, DD!) with this fuzzy guy (or is it a girl?) from Dr. Seuss's Book of Animals. There isn't much to it but I really like it.

After lunch I came back here to write but first I started another painting of that field of flowers that I attempted the other day but this time I painted a little and then wrote for a while so the paint would dry then I went back and forth. I think this painting is better, not great, but better than the blob.

I even managed to write about 1500 words in between painting and running an errand. I even like some of the words and the way they're hanging together.

We had a cloudburst early this evening. You can see how hard it was raining by how roiled up the birdbath was. It really came down for a short time. We even had a few rumbles of thunder. It could rain some more and I wouldn't mind. Maybe overnight, like in Camelot?


I'm up over 108k impressions on my Amazon ads. I have 24 clicks and only 1 sale. I made a new keyword ad today for Horizon hoping that will help it get more clicks. There's another Amazon Ads Challenge starting on the 19th. I've registered and hope there are things that I missed the first go-round. I've changed my categories, my keywords, two of the covers, and rewritten my blurbs if I thought they needed it. I don't know what else I can do to drive sales but maybe I'll learn. Fingers crossed.


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