Thursday, July 6, 2023

A Rose By Any Other Name

I can't stop taking pictures of Dad's roses. They're blooming like crazy and they're just

Tonight we have a guest wildlife photographer. OJ took the little camera and stood at the patio door waiting to take bird pictures. He captured a Mourning Dove first...

...and then he spied a Chipmunk filling its cheek pouches under the feeders. We also saw a Chipmunk that had somehow climbed up to the peanut wreath and was working hard to try to get a peanut out of there. No pictures of that amazing sight.

While they watched Finding Nemo I drew, not very well, but I flipped to the next page in Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers and took a stab at drawing what I saw. I don't think that this was my best drawing day.

We went to try out the new big playground at one of the county parks. It was amazing and OJ and LC loved playing on it. We splurged on Lunchables and had a quick picnic before they attacked the playground equipment. They had a blast.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Those rose petals looks like velvet. I'm glad you can't stop taking pictures of it. So incredibly beautiful. Nice you had a picnic with the kiddoes. Sounds like fun. I hope it cooled off some. Still stifling down here.