Sunday, July 2, 2023

All Mowed

I don't have photographic proof but I mowed the lawn this morning. I was going to wait until late in the day when the shade of the neighbor's tree covers the backyard but it was cool this morning so I got myself into shorts and a tank top, slathered on some sunscreen, and got to work. I'm glad that's done. And it smelled great when I mowed over the mint that's growing in the lawn.

The Stella d'Oro lilies are blooming. This flower looked absolutely perfect but I won't try to paint its picture. I promise.

After my post-mowing shower (I really needed it), I pulled out 20 Ways to Draw a Tree and got busy filling a sketchbook page with as many nature things as I could cram onto it. I kind of like the pine cone but I think I like the leaf the best. It's the first time that I managed to draw a maple leaf that looks like a maple leaf.

I spent the afternoon writing a manuscript scene. I wrote about diving and had a tough time making it work but I managed to eke out 1500 words that I think are okay. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm writing a first draft so all words are welcome. Once I figure out the whole story then I can start tidying it up, it doesn't come publishing ready. I need to remember that.

My Impressions are still high and I've gotten at least one click each day this week. I keep checking the page to see if I have any more sales but so far nothing. I'm not discouraged. I'm happy that people are at least looking at my books. Sales will come.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That yellow lily is so vibrant. Almost makes yellow my favorite color -- maybe just for today. Red still reigns for me.