Thursday, July 27, 2023

So Much Better

I got up to OtherWorlds Books & More around 9:30am, got my book display set up, and waited. There were five of us inside in the a/c and five poor souls outside under a canopy. Traffic at the sidewalk sale was down due to the excess heat and the dodgy economy (mostly the heat and humidity, I think), but eventually people trickled down the hall and bought books. I swapped one copy of Better Than Mom's for a copy of another author's book, sold four books to customers, and sold four books to OtherWorlds to restock their shelves. That means I came home (after 3:00pm) with nine fewer books than I left with in the morning. Woohoo! And in conversation with the author sitting next to me got an idea of a better way to start The Seaview 2 so it was a very productive day. I got a lot of laughs saying that I write "menopausal chick novels" and handed out a lot of bookmarks so maybe I'll generate some sales that way. Every little bit helps.

Right after I got home a Downy Woodpecker showed up at the suet cakes. It's been a while since I've seen one of those so it was a good thing.

After supper I sat down and drew a little out of 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly. I had a lot of fun drawing a beetle, a dragon, a fairy, a peacock, a gargoyle, and a dragonfly.

Sitting in that hallway all day ready to smile and chat with any passersby was tiring. There are no more tour buses (thank god, those were a bust) and the next scheduled book event up in Sturgeon Bay is November 4 but they may contact me for other not-yet-scheduled events. I hope they do.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Banner Day!!! Yippee!! You just had to wait for the right people to come along. I'm so glad it went well -- really well!! And that you didn't have to sit outside. It's just too darn hot. I think Al Gore was right all those years ago.