Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Again With The Flowers

All I have to show today are flowers and drawings, oh, and a painting.

The orange day lilies on top of the retaining wall have started blooming. They're so tall that I can only get a picture from a low angle but they're still pretty and still one of my favorite colors.

The lone dusty pink day lily with the ruffled petals is still blooming a little 

And of course Dad's rose is doing its part to keep the yard in red flowers.

The Daily Practice drawings are pitchers and cats. Pitchers are an odd thing to draw, I think, but she had us draw five of them so I did. Then there were the four cats. I'm not a cat person. Actually I don't have the pet gene so I'm not a dog person either. But I was a good sport and drew the cats.

Then I opened 20 Ways to Draw a Tree a few pages and drew a bird, a tree (a very odd-looking tree), an egg, an apple, a bee, and a peacock feather. I love drawing out of these 20 Ways books.

And finally I painted today. I found this demonstration in a watercolor book and tried to copy it. I think it turned out okay.

I got so discouraged with writing yesterday that I didn't even make an attempt today. Maybe I'll get brave and try again tomorrow but my brain is feeling like it's turned off these days.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Those lilies are pretty from any angle. But the star of the show today is your painting. Really a good one!!!