Sunday, July 23, 2023

It's Warmer Here

I had a great weekend up in Pickerel Lake. The weather was perfect, warm with a little breeze and cool at night. It threatened rain so we didn't go on a boat ride. I sleep on a futon in the "living room" and this is my view when I wake up in the morning.

In the afternoon on Saturday we had Cosmos while we sat and knitted on the screen porch. I'm not much of a drinker, have no head for spirits, so that half glass was all I had. It was enough. There were snacks and we went to a local tavern for really good pizza for supper. We all overate and most of us had Tums for dessert but there were no regrets.

We did a lot of knitting and a lot of talking. Yesterday I got through the leg of the Kestrel Sock and this afternoon I got started on the heel flap. I love the colors of this yarn.

I also finished knitting the Pink Lemonade Warshrag this morning. I don't know what I'll do with the washcloths I keep knitting but there's bound to be a charity that needs them, right? I'll ask around. Maybe LB knows a place.

When I got home this afternoon, after I unpacked and went to the market for bananas, grapes, and watermelon (oh, I'm addicted to those watermelon chunks they've got), I sat down to draw. First I drew the next Daily Practice. It's imaginary house plants. I tried to slow down and take my time so I think that they turned out a bit better.

Then I dived into 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly or Things With Wings and enjoyed drawing a flying fish, a bee, a dove, a moth, and a vintage airplane. There are 20 examples of each thing so I try to choose a different one each time I work through the book. Some are more challenging than others, all are fun.

I was happy to have leftover Farro Salad from the weekend to have for supper. KE's friend thought that she said I was making Sparrow Salad and wondered where I got the sparrows. Yikes! I told KE that I had plenty of them at my birdfeeders but that they're a bear to pluck all those little feathers. No sparrows were harmed in the making of this salad.

While I was away the day lilies came into their own. The orange ones are blooming big time...

and the shorter red ones are having a blooming good time too. These are also ones that I wish I could paint because I love the dark brick red of the petals and the vivid yellow centers.

CS has a Hummingbird feeder that hangs just outside her screen porch so we got to watch the little birds come and go all weekend. I saw one at my feeder this afternoon late but it didn't stay long enough to have its picture taken. There were too many other birds flying around for it to feel comfortable landing. Dang it.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Your weekend sounds and looks perfect. I love the view of the lake and dock out your window first thing in the morning. Reminded me of our view of the Intracoastal when we lived on Bald Eagle. Glad you had good weather. A successful outing all the way around.