Sunday, July 30, 2023

Not What I Meant To Do

I got a new cable/TV remote the other day and thought I was so smart getting it programmed but this morning I discovered that the DVR buttons weren't working. I read through the instructions and thought I was doing the right thing but I screwed it up. I called the cable company and talked to a nice tech woman FOR 50 MINUTES but nothing she suggested fixed it. *sigh* That meant I got to have a visit from a nice man named Steve around 6pm and he fixed it with one or two presses of buttons, so fast that I didn't see what he did. And I was watching. As a matter of course he checked all the connections, fiddled with the cable to make it work better, and gave me a new, simpler remote. All for free. No charge for the service call. Amazing.

Today a Downy Woodpecker landed on the suet cakes and by the time I got the camera up and ready there were two more! So I got a picture of the two new arrivals, one on the ground and one on a Slinky, the one on the suet cakes flew off. I suspect that these are fledglings sticking together like a pack of teenagers cruising the neighborhood.

I drew out of 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly (aka Things With Wings) and had fun drawing a rooster, a hummingbird, a hang glider, a heron, a flying pig, and a swallow. Just when I think that the figures are in alphabetical order they aren't. I like the hummingbird today.

I spent most of the afternoon writing a new beginning for The Seaview 2. At first I thought it was too tame but now I think it's good to start slowly and have the conflict ramp up though the manuscript. Right? I'm kind of conflict-averse in life so it's a struggle for me to put it in my writing.

Did I remember to tell you that I got another sale on Amazon yesterday? It's funny, just when the accumulated ad spend reached the level of my first sale another one showed up. I'm happy just to break even.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Congratulations on another sale!! When I find an author I like, I always check Amazon to see if they've written more. Fingers crossed your buyer does the same.