I got back to reality this afternoon. It was an uneventful reentry but I could have spent a lot more time "working" up at CS's cottage. "Work" at the cottage is sitting on a lounge chair on the screened porch making sure that the wind doesn't blow the chairs away. Tough job. We did have a knitting guild board meeting yesterday morning after our breakfast of steel cut oats and fresh fruit but mostly we sat around knitting and yakking. This was the view from my "work" spot. Not too bad, eh?
After the board meeting we boarded CS's pontoon boat for a jaunt around the lake. It was an overcast day but mercifully the rain held off so we made the circuit undampened. We had a doozie of a thunderstorm in the wee hours this morning though.
At one point we spotted a Bald Eagle sitting in a tree on an island. You can see its white head and dark body in the center of the picture. It's kind of blurry because I took it with my phone. On another island we were able to see the eagle's nest. It looked like a section of deck up a tree. Those things are huge. We heard eagles a lot but didn't see many and didn't see one fishing.
I took no-thinking knitting with me in the form of a barely started toe cap that I finished last night. I knew that there would be too much talk and laughter for me to focus on anything more complex than knit2, purl2.

This morning I wove in the ends of the toe cap and cast on another one that I got an inch or so knitted on before it was time to pack up and head for home. Oh, this morning we had Eggs Benedict for breakfast. CS made her own Hollandaise sauce and used bacon bacon instead of Canadian bacon. I showed admirable restraint in saying that I only wanted one English muffin half and poached egg instead of the usual two. Besides there were fried potatoes to go with it so it wasn't as if I was denying myself. At first I thought that my breakfast cost 20 WW points (out of a daily allotment of 23) but then I realized that I'd had half a serving so it only cost 10 points. Whew. At least I got to eat the rest of the day. I had another serving of Farro salad for supper. I'm happy to report that the salad was a big hit for Friday evening's supper. Another whew.

You can see the Hummingbird feeder that hung outside the screen porch in the top picture. We all marveled at them as they came to the feeder time and time again. It's getting to be time for them to start feeding themselves up for their migration so the competition for the nectar is fierce. When I got home I saw a couple Hummingbirds at my feeder and, though you can't see it, this one is a male. I saw his red throat when he flew in to land.
Today's toss was an old grocery list pad. I have an app on my phone where I keep my grocery list so I don't have a use for a retro paper one.
I spent the evening listening to an audiobook and didn't write a prompt. I'll do two tomorrow. Maybe.
I had a good weekend. I was a little nervous to go but am glad that I went. I'll be glad to be back in my own bed although the futon that I slept on was mighty comfortable and I had a great view of the lake to help me wake up.