Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I can't even begin to describe what happened to me. We will chalk this up to my own patented brand of stupidity.

Anyway, I've been avoiding the end. At this point, it is inevitable and I don't want to write it. Every time I do manage to get words on paper (which hasn't been often since Thursday) I manage to run in a circle to avoid progressing toward the catastrophic ending.

Last night I was talking to a friend and he told me to just grab my nuts and go. He wasn't talking about writing, but I think that's what I'll do.

Jenny, Bob. You're not out of the game yet, keep going and use every spare moment you can. Even 5 minutes could yield 100 words or so. You have four more days. Even if you think it's impossible, it's not. That's 96 hours minus whatever you have to work. Call in sick. I know that both of you can either get there or come so ridiculously close that you'll kick yourself.

Barbara, I officially concede the "Word Count Total Position One" to you. Watch out, though, I may still beat you to 50k.

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