Last night I put off writing until 9 PM, thinking I'd be up until all hours clawing my way to 1613, but I wasn't. I guess I knew what I wanted to say or maybe my chicken (Aunt Mame) was napping, but I had my 1000-word popsicle at 9:47 and was in bed reading by 10:30. Amazing.
Adam, you are so right--I'm nowhere near the end of this story, maybe I'm writing too detailed? I guess I'll have to shift into synopsis mode for the last week to get all my thoughts down before they fade away. I have general ideas about scenes or consequences that I don't want to lose; they might not all make it in the final draft (if there ever is a final draft), but some of them might be fun to play with.
Bob, you keep moving along; those characters aren't done with you yet. Jenny's right; we want more peeks into your world; a line here, a line there, we're easily satisfied.
That goes for you too, Jenny, just a hint--please?
Line for the day (or rather yesterday): "Now, I have something I want to tell you.” She looked around the room as if checking for bugs. Fay was intrigued. “What?” Naomi twisted her hands as if she was opening a jar. “Well, you remember the other night after we cleaned up the café?” Fay nodded. “And you left but I stayed to help Brady finish up?” Fay nodded again. “Well, he, um, I, um…” “What? Do not keep beating around the bush. I am imagining all sorts of awful stuff. Is what you have to tell me awful?” “Oh, no. No, it is good. I think.” She paused. “Well? What is it? I am dying of curiosity here!” Naomi drew a deep breath and sat up straighter. “Brady asked me out to dinner tomorrow night and I accepted.” Fay whooped. “I knew it. I knew it. I knew you two were eyeing each other up. Oh, I wish I had made a betting book on this. I was sure the two of you would end up dating.” She jumped out of her chair to dance around the kitchen for a minute,
Daily total: 1916 words
Running total: 40,821 words (only 10,000 more to go!)
See you tonight, sans Packer-game-going Adam. Have fun with the Cheeseheads!
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