Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Day 15--The Last Half of the Month Begins

Man, I had a hard time making myself write today. I was intermittently busy at work and I had my memory stick in my pocket, but I just couldn't bring myself to get down to it. Finally at 9 o'clock tonight I came back here, turned on the laptop and started typing. First I thought I'd pound out a few hundred words and leave it at that. Then I had too many words so I figured a thousand was a good stopping spot, but I overshot that too. By that time I only needed a couple hundred words to make the goal so I kept going. Now I'm done for the day.

Line of the day:
After he had looked over their identification and called the dispatcher to have them checked out for “wants and warrants,” he finally asked, “What happened here?” Brady shook his head. “I do not really know, Officer…? I am sorry. I would feel more comfortable if I knew your name.” The cop looked uncomfortable. “Officer Bates.” Fay thought a minute and said, “Norman Bates?” Now the cop turned positively beet red. “Yes, Norman Bates. My ma was a movie buff. Save your breath; I have heard all the jokes.” Naomi turned away to cover her smile and Fay put her hand over her lips pressing them into her teeth to keep from laughing out loud. “What?” Brady asked, looking from one to the other with confusion. “Who is Norman Bates?” “I will explain later, Brady,” Naomi said

Daily total: 1714 words
Running total: 28,180

You know, Bob, your comment last Thursday was right on. This should be called National Word Writing Month. I proved that to myself tonight--over 1700 words in an hour. Gotta go get milk for the morning. See you at The Attic.

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