Thursday, March 2, 2023


I had my first Zoom roundtable today and it went okay. I was nervous to start but got my pages read and lived through the comments which were helpful and right on. What I submitted was the first pages of last November's NaNoWriMo and it was a sloppy mess so they were very kind. I'll have to dig around in the manuscript to find something better for next time.

After roundtable I threw on my coat and zoomed to DePere for a haircut, then to three stops to deliver Girl Scout cookies that various knitters ordered from LC so I had a busy afternoon.

This morning I turned to the next prompt in 365 Days of Drawing to find I was supposed to draw the contents of my pencil case. Hmm. At first I was a little intimidated but soon realized that I was drawing straight things (the pencils), round things (the coins), and a couple boxy things (the pencil leads and the triangular eraser), nothing too scary or difficult. It turned out okay.

Also in the morning I looked out to see a Goldfinch land on the crook. I haven't see one of those in a long time and I was happy to see that there's a little patch of yellowing feathers below his beak. Pretty soon he'll be all yellow and looking for love.

With all I had going on in the afternoon it wasn't until suppertime that I got out the paints and a postcard to paint the Anemone from Watercolor Flowers Made Easy. Did I tell you about the book? It's printed on watercolor paper and on the opposite page is an outline of the flower so in reality a person could just paint-by-numbers in the spaces but I prefer to go rogue and paint on separate paper. Both to keep the book usable again and to paint in my sketchbook or on a postcard. I like the way it turned out. I don't like that I dripped a drop of red paint on the postcard next to the flower. Ah well, this isn't a graded course.

The next lesson in Basic Line Drawing class on Creativebug was to draw a poppy. I like that she's not drawing the exact flower but more a suggestion of a Poppy. Then we drew two Poppies in a Mason jar. I like it.

After supper I sat watching TV for a while knitting on the Trekking sock and the leg was long enough so I got to start the heel. I decided not to make a heel flap, turn, and gusset. Instead I'm making what's called a Strong Heel, invented by a lady named Strong, that I like very much. It's a little simpler than the standard heel construction but might be less durable. Such is life.

I keep thinking that tomorrow's Saturday but it's only Friday and I have two Zooms, one writing and one knitting, then comes Saturday and the next Market on Military. Too bad that I won't have copies of Better Than Mom's to sell but I can be patient.

We got just enough snow overnight that I had to take the shovel out and scrape it off so that the sun could dry the driveway. Now it's supposed to stay dry until maybe Monday, and it's only a maybe.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You had a busy day yesterday. Zooming, haircut and then all your art. Nice to see that Goldfinch. Green sprouts yesterday and now that sweet bird. Spring is coming!!