Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Mm, Cheesecake

I was supposed to meet three friends for an evening of knitting but mostly eating and talking. One of the friends, the hostess, didn't feel well so we had to postpone our get-together. I had been thinking about all of the good things that we would have--cheese and crackers, cheese and salami, some kind of soup, and something sweet. (We're nothing if not predictable.) Well, I decided to whip up a WW Plain Jane Cheesecake to assuage my disappointment. Cooling the chocolate brownie base took the longest but I managed to pry out a serving of it and it turned out just fine. It really needs an overnight in the fridge to totally firm up but I thought I needed to taste it, to make sure it was edible, you understand. I can put the other seven servings in Tupperware and store them in the freezer so I'll have cheesecake for a while. At least a week. Feel better soon, KE!

This little Chickadee made lightning visits to the feeder this morning and I was lucky enough to snap a photo of it. One of these days I need to pull on my big boots and go out to refill the feeders. Maybe tomorrow. If it doesn't rain. Or snow.

The next "flowers" in Draw 500 Flowers were cactus, um, cacti. The one on the right was supposed to be black with white spines and flowers but I couldn't figure out how to do that so I just went with black ink on white paper. It looks okay.

When I pulled out my painting things and booted up the Daily Practice, I decided to go back to the first day of painting bugs and add them to the page. So we have the yellow grasshopper and the green leaf bug along with the scarab beetle and the made up bug with the turquoise wings. Today's bugs were the three small ones with lots of ink details. I'm surprised at how much I enjoyed painting these bugs. Tomorrow there will be butterflies.

Since I didn't have friends to knit with tonight I had to knit to TV. I finished the hand of the Marl Mitten. Next comes the thumb and then it's on to mitten number 2. I think that this mitten looks too long for my hand but it's just right. Must be an optical illusion.

Man, I could have taken a nap today. I don't know why I was so sleepy all day. It was sunny and that usually perks me up. I took a catnap in the chair, I think, but no official naps were taken. Durwood was the napping professional in the family. I miss that guy.



Aunt Barb said...

I'm the napping professional around here. Every afternoon when I sit down to read, I end up sleeping. There's something so nice about just nodding off in my chair. It's like dessert at the end of a satisfying meal. Sweet!!

Unknown said...

You could always share-the cheesecake.