Friday, March 24, 2023

Yeah, It Fits

I tried on the Trekking sock this morning. It fits just fine, although the foot is about a half inch too long but that's not a big deal. I'll go make a note in my project file right now... Done.

The Robin came back and posed again. Hooray! It was a warm-ish sunny day today and the Robin spent some time poking around in the back yard. I don't know if there are any bugs or worms out and about yet but it was really looking for them.

I decided that waiting until the weekend wouldn't make the next Daily Practice painting any easier so I taped a piece of paper to a board, got my paints and brushes organized, and cued up the video. I had to stop her a few times to let me catch up and mine is in no way close to the way hers turned out but it isn't bad.

Drawing was another story. I turned to the next page in Draw 500 Flowers and this is what came of that little effort. Not my best day at the sketchbook, not by a long shot.

Oh, when I went out to get the mail I looked down and saw crocus buds! I scurried back to grab the camera before the local bunnies munched them all away. I wish there was something I could do to keep the rabbits from eating them but aside from making little cages for them I don't stand a chance.

This morning I sat down and cast on the first Marl Mitten cuff. I got through the cuff and into the thumb gusset tonight at Friday Night Knitting. I've got a few more rounds of thumb gusset increases, then it'll be time to put those stitches on a holder and knit the rest of the hand before going back and knitting the thumb. Then I'll have to do it all over again. It seems silly to be knitting mittens in the latter part of March but it's still mitten weather, especially when my steering wheel is cold, and mittens are what I want to knit right now. So I'm doing it.

Both of my Amazon Ads were approved so hopefully my books are showing up on searches for similar books. I'm not sure how to tell if people are seeing them but I'm sure it'll become clear once something starts happening. There's a page where the information is supposed to be listed and I can keep checking that until info shows up. Right now all that shows is that I have two ads, no impressions or clicks or sales. Not yet anyway but it's early days.



Aunt Barb said...

Great robin picture today. Spring has got to be getting closer and closer.

Aunt Barb said...

P.S. Thanks for the picture of your sock. Why did I doubt you? Looks like it fits fine.