Friday, March 31, 2023

Tonight It's Pouring Rain

A relief from last night's sleet but rumor has it that it's supposed to turn to snow by tomorrow morning's wee hours. Am I going to need my boots to get to the Market tomorrow? Will the weather keep people away? Time will tell.

It was a good day for sighting wildlife in the backyard. First and most exciting (but a terrible picture) a Bluejay showed up on the cob corn to liberate a few kernels. This, sadly, is the best shot I got but I was excited to see a Bluejay for the first time in months.

Just as I pressed the shutter button this Robin turned around so that all I got was her back. That's okay. You can see that the birdbath was thawed today too.

The afternoon was drizzly but that didn't stop this squirrel from coming back again and again for a peanut. There was another, white footed squirrel nosing around too but it got chased away by this one. I was hoping that it would stick around or jump up on the birdbath so I could get a picture but no luck.

Today's Daily Practice was birds. I probably should have used a different brush to paint the little pink-breasted bird but I will next time. I think that the orange-headed thrush turned out pretty okay though.

I got into the thumb gusset on the Marl Mitten number two this evening. I was at DS's but forgot which was their internet portal, I remembered the password but not the account, so I was using my phone to Zoom and ran the battery down to zero. Which meant that I just suddenly disappeared from Friday Night Knitting. Ah well, such is life in the digital age.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Even a blurry bluejay is exciting -- especially with all the lousy weather you've been having. Fingers crossed you have a good day at the Market.