Thursday, March 16, 2023

Not a Ray

There was no sunshine today. Not a ray pierced the thick cloud cover. I hate dreary days like this. They make me feel low and I don't have much enthusiasm for anything.

There was a good amount of bird activity this morning. First there was a Downy Woodpecker on the round feeder, then a Nuthatch showed up. Naturally I was doing yoga and couldn't stop to snap pictures. Finally a Cardinal came by and spent some time in the seed pit in the snow. It was in the low 40s most of the day so the snow melted quite a bit.

It started raining in the afternoon and I captured the raindrop rings in the birdbath. Remember four days ago there was 10" of snow on top of the frozen birdbath. How things change. Tonight's rain is supposed to turn to heavy snow later tonight which probably means that everything will freeze again and be slick as glass tomorrow. *sigh*

While I'm waiting for my paints to come from Michaels I went back to the first lesson of the Daily Practice class and repainted the straw flowers but this time I had the India ink and pen so I could draw the petals and leaf veins like the teacher did. Or tried to anyway. It looks okay, I think.

After my writing roundtable, which went well, I pulled out Seuss-isms and drew this web-footed creature from the page about feet. I like the smile on its beak and its tail. I'm not crazy about its feet. It's the curse of the bird feet!

I went downstairs looking for another skein of the Mulberry yarn that I used for the last hat I made and found two more skeins. Hooray! But I also found a skein and a half of this super bulky Ozarks yarn so I brought it up and cast on a hat. It looks big but I'm keeping going. I've got the ribbing done so it's too late to turn back.

I have a lot to think about after today's roundtable. I don't give my characters enough trouble, I've always known that, but I seem to have slacked off of it even more. I need to dream up some real problems for Rose and the Seaview before the next and last roundtable. Maybe I'll beef up the hurricane.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Wish I could give you some ideas to write about after a hurricane. I did live through a big one. Maybe make one of the characters missing and the struggle to find them.