Friday, March 3, 2023

A Lot of Reading

I spent a lot of the day reading my latest manuscript trying to find a part that I can tidy up to submit to the roundtable in two weeks. So far, nothing, but I'm not discouraged as I've got at least 90 more pages of double-spaced type to read. There'll be something worth submitting, I'm sure. I hope.

The prompt in 365 Days of Drawing said to make a pattern with abstract and random marks so I drew these paisley/foot shapes and little strings of circles by them. Not much of a pattern but certainly random.

For today's painting I went back into the Daily Practice lessons to find the end of the flowers week painting. You can see how the page curled up on the edges as the paint dried. I got all done and realized that I should have put more leaves on the page so I added some with markers. It looks okay.

A Chickadee held still long enough for a picture. It got shooed away by the male Cardinal as did all the rest of the birds on all the feeders. I wonder what he said to chase them all away.

In Basic Line Drawing the next imaginary flower she asked me to draw was this multi-petal flower, kind of a Dahlia, I guess. I'm liking her style.

And tonight at Friday Night Knitting I got halfway through the heel of the Trekking Sock. I stopped when I got to the heel turn because that takes more concentration than I had left at that time of night. I'll turn the heel tomorrow afternoon or evening so I've got the foot to work on when I meet CS and KE at Zambaldi Beer on Sunday afternoon. Complicated knitting and beer do not mix.


When I went to close the drapes I noticed the color in the sky so I reached out the front door with my phone and snapped a picture of the sunset. I was too afraid it would fade before I got the "big" camera.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

The headline in our weather report would be WIND. It was blowing like mad yesterday. Hope it calms down today so Paul can get his golf game in. I'm hoping to spray paint a three-dollar stool I got at Goodwill last week but if it's windy, don't think that would be the time to do any spray painting.