Tuesday, March 21, 2023

This is the Day We Wash Our Clothes

Today turned out to be laundry day. I went downstairs to sort the laundry in the chute and found that it was almost full so after sorting it I just threw in the first load. There are no pictures of my dusty, cobwebby laundry area but, trust me, all of my clothes but the ones I'm sitting in are sparkling clean. Not folded, but clean. Folded will happen later. When I run out of socks in a few days.

I am surprised to see that the day lily that's right up against the brick on the front of the house is also sprouting and wasn't hurt by the cold and snow last week.

I flipped through Sketching and stopped at a page of doodles. I like the clump of flowers but I really like the phalanx of singing bald guys. The author/artist made them smiling guys but I'm the one that made them sing.

The next lesson in the Daily Practice was to paint a bouquet. It went okay. I especially like the way the vase turned out and I like the little purple flowers.

Most of the day I spent reading this book. It's in English but I must confess that most of what it says makes little to no sense to me. I watched two YouTube videos about making Amazon Ads and they made a little sense. What I really need is someone with experience to sit down with me and guide me through making my first ad, explaining ACOS and other acronyms which loom large in the videos and manual. Gah!

I went over to Michaels this afternoon looking for a little pot of fake succulents because that's the next Daily Practice lesson which I watched and discovered that they don't show what she's painting very much and there isn't an image in the pdf's that I printed off so I want to have something to look at when I paint. It isn't exactly what she's painting but it's similar and I can deal with it. And it was on clearance. Plus I had a coupon. Score!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Love your bouquet of flowers in the nice vase. Worthy of a frame and hanging on the wall somewhere. Glad to see more green popping up in your yard. Pretty soon there'll be flowers!