Friday, March 10, 2023

Snow on the Frog

When I opened the bedroom shade this morning I looked out and saw that the metal frog in front of the house was layered with snow. I knew that taking a picture from the front door wouldn't work so I was forced to take one through the screen. I think it looks pretty cool and it didn't last all day because it warmed up and the snow melted off.

This squirrel figured out how to get peanuts from the wreath and spent the late afternoon up and down, up and down, then running off to bury the nut in the snow and back for more.

Today's watercolor postcard turned out much better than I thought it would. I painted the Anthuriums again only this time I made them red like the real ones I've seen. Now if I only had someone to mail it to. Actually I wouldn't mail it without an envelope because I mailed one to LC and OJ and it got ripped by the mail sorting machine. Not doing that again.

This is the last page of my latest watercolor sketchbook. I like this size paper to paint on, it isn't too big or too small, it's just right. (you can call me Goldilocks)

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I worked on the Mulberry Charisma Hat. The pattern is called the 2-Hour Hat but there is no way I'd be able to make it in two hours. This is three hours of knitting and I'm nowhere near done. False advertising! Or maybe the designer is a much faster knitter than I am. That could very well be since I'm kind of a slow knitter.

I ran to the dry cleaner to ransom my red winter coat this afternoon and then went to the grocery for grapes and lunch food. I passed the meat counter and saw a display of ribeye steaks. I slowed down to look at them and was shocked to see the price--$27.95/pound! Up to that point I thought about getting one just for a treat but I don't want to pay for a whole cow and get only a piece. Sheesh.

We woke up to about 3" of snow and we're supposed to get more tomorrow night into Sunday and again later next week. Looks like we're getting a winter's worth of snow in March. At least the sun is warm when it peeks out of the clouds so the snow's melting almost as fast as it falls.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Great shot of the very busy squirrel on the peanut wreath. Love your comment about paying for the whole cow! Imagine what that steak would cost if you were dining in a fine restaurant! You'd have to mortage your house.