Monday, March 20, 2023

The First Day of Spring

Today might be the first day of Spring but the winter harbinger birds are still here and busily seeking fallen seed. The Juncos are daily visitors and they are diligently prospecting for something to eat. I do think that they're courting, though. I saw a couple of them flying around together and that usually means romance.

For further signs of Spring I only have to look out the front door and there are the hyacinth sprouts with the tiniest nose of a bud poking out. I was afraid that last week's 10 inches of snow would discourage or wilt them but they stayed strong and emerged as the snow melted away.

The daffodils were buried even deeper but they're doing alright too.

I drew the next page in Draw 500 Flowers today. I got confident and drew with a liner pen instead of starting with a pencil and then tracing over it. Then I dug out a brush pen to fill them all in. I especially like the bell flowers on the bottom.

The next flower in Watercolor Flowers the Easy Way was a Bird of Paradise. I had to draw the petals first because she had me wet one petal, drop in color, let it dry, and then move on to the next petal. I'm not very patient so I did every other petal so the paint didn't bleed, let them dry, and then moved on to the next ones. I like the way it turned out.

I knitted on the Ozarks Cap tonight but I'm considering ripping it out, casting on fewer stitches (or going to a smaller needle), and starting again. It's getting pretty big. I want it to fit a normal size head, not a Yeti.

DS texted me that he and the kids were coming to play at a park in my neighborhood and did I want to join them. Of course! So I got to spend an hour or so watching the kids play in the snow and visiting with DS. It was fun but my feet still haven't warmed up. Maybe I should make some hot chocolate. Or would that keep me awake?

I spent a lot of the day trying to figure out the story arc of The Seaview 2. I had a hard time ignoring what I've already written. I am so not a planner when I write a novel. This is hard.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm sorry that the words aren't just flowing out for Seaview 2. Maybe you're trying too hard. If the characters aren't cooperating, it could be that now isn't the time for them to come back. Glad you got to play in the snow with the kids. They're the right age for it -- even if we aren't! Hope you made that hot chocolate.