Thursday, March 9, 2023

A Little Bit of Snowing

I just drove home from DS's house and it's barely snowing. They've predicted an overnight total of 3-6" so we'll see what the morning brings. As I drove across town this evening I noticed that the city trucks had brined the streets to keep them from being too slick. They spray some kind of chemical slurry on the streets instead of salting them ahead of storms and it seems pretty effective. I'm staying home tomorrow no matter what.

I saw a pair of male Goldfinches near the feeders this morning and managed to catch a shot of one of them on the crook by the Slinky. The other one was on top of the crook but the picture was blurry. Drat.

A couple squirrels discovered that I filled the peanut wreath. This one wasn't brave enough or smart enough to leap up and nab a peanut so it contented itself with perching on the (thawed) birdbath waiting for an extra one to fall. Evidently it got just warm enough to thaw the birdbath today. There wasn't any sunshine to help it along either.

There was a table full of boxes and canvas bags of books to sort at the library today. I worked alone and got three boxes, a grocery bag or two, and a couple canvas bags emptied and sorted. I also packed up a couple full bins of books to put the boxes in the stacks along the wall. I thought I got pretty much done in an hour.

I rewound the Basic Line Drawing lesson from the other day and copied the rest of her drawing. She had another jar of flowers on the right edge of her paper but her paper was much bigger than mine. I like the way this turned out.

In the afternoon I went downstairs and dug out a skein of bulky yarn to cast on a hat. I was going to take it along to DS's for knitting after bedtime but LL called as I was getting it started before I left so I talked to her on my drive and left the knitting at home. Friends are more important than knitting. One round of knit 1, purl 1 ribbing doesn't make much of a showing but I'll get more of it done tomorrow. Maybe. Or maybe I'll just knit around and around on the Trekking sock and maybe get to the toe.

I read more of the manuscript today and nothing is jumping out at me. It's just page after page of people standing around talking. Dull.

I didn't paint today either. I just couldn't muster up the enthusiasm for it. Don't know why. Maybe because of no sunshine.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You were very productive and efficient at the library by getting all that done in an hour. Like the cute little bird in the Slinky. Good for you for taking care of the wildlife in your backyard.