Thursday, March 30, 2023


Ack! I just drove across town in sleet. Thankfully the streets are warm enough (so far) that they were only wet, not slick, even crossing the bridge, but I don't think that will last overnight. We're supposed to have crap weather all day tomorrow and into Saturday morning too. Goodie.

It was sunny this morning so I took my cousin's advice and went out and filled all of the bird feeders. By afternoon the squirrels had found the peanuts that I tossed on the grass and the filled peanut wreath but I didn't see any birds. Also by afternoon the clouds had rolled in but it warmed up to 41 degrees so the birdbath thawed out for a little while. Oh, and see all that greenish, brownish grass? It's covered with white sleet now. Icy slushy crap.

I wasn't in the mood to paint this morning when I had the time but I did open up my sketchbook for a few minutes to draw some more cacti. For some reason it amuses me to draw them. I don't know why.

When I went out to get the mail (all political circulars that went right into the bin) I saw that the hyacinth is sending up flowers. You have to look carefully in the leaves but there are peeks of purple in all of that green. Hopefully the sleet won't freeze them.

And there is one defiant crocus that popped up where all of the crocuses were last week. Take that, rabbits!

I got almost all of the cuff rounds knitted on the Marl Mitten this evening, only about 7 more to go (okay, 6 1/2 rounds) until time to change to the bigger needles and start the hand and thumb gusset. Mittens go fast.

I had my last Roundtable this afternoon. I got good feedback from the other writers which I hope will help me wrap my mind around the story or at least help me figure out what the story ought to be. I can't remember if I had this much trouble with the original story. Maybe I'll take a break from it, clear my mind.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

If winter keeps hanging on up there, you're going to need those mittens. At least the little spring flowers aren't giving up. Love that one determined yellow crocus.