Sunday, March 5, 2023

It's Hip to be Square

I went online this morning and ordered a Square card reader attachment for my phone. I never thought I'd get to this point in my book-selling career but I lost a sale yesterday because I didn't take credit cards so I'm going for it. I don't imagine that it'll be a big part of my business but it might be and I don't want to lose another sale. Who am I?!?!?!

I caught sight of a squirrel digging for birdseed and laughed to see that the squirrels, birds, and rabbits have dug a pit in the snow in pursuit of seeds. Seems like the pit will get filled with snow overnight. I so hope that the weather people are wrong. I have places to go tomorrow and don't want the roads to be slick with six inches of new snow.

This afternoon I met CS and KE at Zambaldi for a little beer and knitting (and to deliver their cookie orders). The place was hopping with families and I even got to see DIL1 and LC when they delivered some Girl Scout cookies for sale at the counter. Bonus! A couple came in and the guy came up to our table and said, "I've been looking for a knitting group and finally found one for me!" Of course he was kidding but it was a fun moment. I got a couple inches of sock foot knitted and I even remembered to take a beer and knitting picture before I finished my half a beer.

Today's drawing is of some kind of Seuss-ian duck creature. I love the smile on its face and
the webbed feet.

Since I spent the afternoon knitting (and drinking beer) I decided to just paint the Anemone in my sketchbook. I painted it on a postcard the other day and I'll paint it again because it's still not exactly right but it's closer, and the leaves are too small. I'll get there.

I was wrong last night when I said that I had lunch and an eye appointment today. I didn't, I have them tomorrow. Sheesh. Monday doesn't follow Saturday, Sunday does. Seems like I need remedial calendar training.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You are definitely entering the big time in your marketing career. But I can understand why you need that gadget. I charge nearly everything anymore so if a merchant doesn't take credit cards, he's out of luck! Sorry you missed a sale but maybe you'll make up for it next time.