Thursday, March 23, 2023

One Big Tangle

I finished the Trekking sock tonight and I'll show it to you in a minute but I decided that I'd knit myself another pair of mittens, this time working to make a tighter fabric that the wind doesn't blow through quite as easily. I have this dark gray wool and alpaca yarn that I used to make a hat years and years ago and I also used it on my sole colorwork sweater. There's enough left to make a pair of mittens so I dug it out of its bin and brought it upstairs. I weighed it to make sure that there's enough and there is. The only problem is that over half of it was wound up double stranded which meant that I had to separate it in order to knit it into mittens. Ugh. I thought to myself that it wouldn't be much trouble. Oh yeah? The yarn twisted around and around and around until it was almost impossible to separate and difficult to keep it from coiling back on itself but I managed. And I only had to cut one strand once. Here's the separated yarn all nicely wound back into balls or cakes if you want to be exact. I'll start the first mitten tomorrow.

This morning I went down to the library to sort books. We got an email from the organizer that someone was coming with a U-Haul filled with books on Monday and they could really use the help. Boxes were stacked two deep and three high on all the tables and there were three other people there sorting when I got there. I managed to empty about five boxes in a hour and packed up a couple boxes out of filled bins. This is an immense job and will take weeks to sort. Who has that many books?

Finally I managed to snap a picture of a Robin! Two of them in fact but I'll only put on one here tonight. I'll save the other one for later. It was sunny today and got up to around 43 degrees. Balmy! Naturally they're talking about snow on Saturday.

I drew these Seuss-ian creatures this afternoon. Not bad, if I do say so myself. And no, the big yellow one isn't stepping on the little green one. It's alongside. That's the way they were on the page.

The next flower in Watercolor Flowers Made Easy was Black-eyed Susans. They turned out okay. I watched the next Daily Practice and am totally intimidated by it. Maybe I'll brave it this weekend.

And here's the sock. The foot seems long but I went by my notes on past socks so I hope that it fits. I was too lazy to take off my shoe and sock to try it on tonight.

Well, I did it. I mustered up my guts, filled in an ad campaign page on Amazon Marketing and launched it. Actually I did ads for both Horizon and The Seaview. I've gotten an email that the one for Horizon is enabled (that means approved) so hopefully someone will see it, click on it, and buy it. I also signed up for a 5-Day Amazon Ad class next month to fill in the gaps in my knowledge. Fingers crossed.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That sock almost looks as if Dr. Suess drew it. I'm taking your word for it that it will fit your foot. Yes, who DOES have that many books? Maybe a library in another town? Glad you could help out.