Saturday, December 24, 2022

Still Cold and Windy

But with sunshine! It's always better on a sunny day. I went out and snowblowed the driveway this morning before DD and her family arrived. Then I tramped through the snow drift right outside the patio door so I could refill the birdbath. I'm afraid if it gets too low the heater will burn out so I try to keep it topped up.

I filled the peanut wreath with nuts the other day hoping to attract squirrels for IM to enjoy but none have come yet. We did have a couple Sparrows that he was happy to see but he was most excited to see the bunny that came tonight. I had to turn off the flash so the picture is a little blurry but the bunny was declared "so cute" by the smallest person in the house. Now he wants to trap a wild bunny like his YouTube hero, Coyote Peterson, and then release it. Good luck, DD!

The next picture in Seuss-isms was The Cat In The Hat and a little Cat in the Hat riding an elephant. It was fun to draw. I should have colored it in but just wasn't in the mood.

Then I turned to the next page in Sketching to find this mean-looking bowling ball crashing into a bunch of unhappy bowling pins. I'd be unhappy too.

That was my whole day. We met at the pizza place next door to Zambaldi for their lunch buffet, then stopped next door to get beer for SIL1's dad. All of the wrapped gifts got carried upstairs and are now under the tree, even the ones from Santa (he stopped here early on his rounds).

Oh, I made Beef Stew in the slow cooker for supper and it turned out delicious. The gravy wasn't as thick as I would have liked it to be but no one complained and there's enough left for a couple suppers next week. Yum! I meant to take a picture of my plate but IM was kind of spiraling out of control (he didn't sleep well last night) so we ate quick so they could go back to their hotel and settle him down. He's been so good these last few crazy days, he gets to go a little wild when he's overtired. They'll be back in the morning for present opening.

Merry Christmas!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Fun to have DD and family around but nice they have the hotel so you can have a bit of a break--especially with an overtired six year old. Merry Christmas to all of you.