Sunday, December 11, 2022

Snow That Didn't Last

I woke up to a dusting of snow this morning but by afternoon the snow was almost all gone. The temperature went up to a balmy 34 degrees today so all the little flakes melted away.

My knitting friend CS texted yesterday that she wanted to go to Zambaldi this afternoon to knit and I was the only one available so I met her shortly after noon and we sat and chatted and knitted the afternoon away. It was a dreary day so going to have a little beer and splurging on soft pretzels made the day better.

I knitted a couple inches on the Limited Edition Wingspan too. At this rate I'll finish this week's triangle long before Friday Night Knitting but that's okay. There're five more after this one and I'm not on a rigid schedule.

The next figures in How To Draw People were this chubby family. I like them. They're the opposite of the slim ballerinas.

Then I redrew the creature coming out of the trapdoor in the ground in Seuss-isms. I also redrew another of the crazy trees. I can't wait to see what's on the next page.

I only caught a fleeting glimpse of a Chickadee today and a squirrel with white tufts behind its ears sat on the step but left as soon as I reached for the camera so there are no wildlife photos today.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Fog down here but like your snow, it will be gone soon. And it's warm. No complaints in the weather department.