Sunday, December 18, 2022


It shot up to 19 degrees today and that's the warmest it's supposed to be for the next week. Ugh. I went to the Shell station to fill up with gas because I'm driving to Milwaukee tomorrow to have lunch with Lala and then spend the night so I'll be bright-tailed and bushy-eyed when it's time to pick up DD at the airport on Tuesday morning. Anyway, I thought my fingers were going to freeze off while I was pumping gas and then when I shoveled the skim of snow off the driveway when I got home--and I was wearing wool gloves! I treated myself to a mug of hot chocolate when I got inside and it warmed me down to my toes. Ahhh.

This lone Sparrow came to the feeder this afternoon. It spent time looking around like it was expecting more buddies but none ever came. It evidently flung a bunch of seed onto the ground because there was a rabbit out there when I went to close the curtain hoovering up the seed on the snow.

You can tell how old this drawing book, How To Draw People, is because of the way that all of the women are in skirts--the nurse was in a dress the other day and so is the policewoman today. The people are fun to draw, they're just retro.

I pulled out Dr. Seuss's Book of Animals next and drew these kangaroos from the title page. They turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.

After more than a month of writing I think I finally figured out some conflict for my characters. So I'm over 65,000 words into a manuscript and just now I'm writing something worthwhile? Yikes.

I did laundry today. I hadn't been paying attention to the level of dirty clothes in the chute but today I realized that I'm dangerously short of socks. Time to fling laundry around. I didn't fold it yet but it's all clean and dry. That counts for something, right?

Not being home tomorrow night means no blogging tomorrow night. Never fear, I'll be back on Tuesday.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sounds like you're all set for Christmas. Should be fun with the kids around.