Tuesday, December 6, 2022

A Busy Day

But not particularly photogenic. I saw a Bluejay at the birdbath while I was doing yoga this morning but I couldn't stop to take a picture. This is an oldie but a goodie. I usually hesitate to use old pictures but it was a Bluejay and I can't not post a picture.

I did a bunch of drawing this morning. First was the next bird in Draw Like an Artist. It's a Green Heron. It turned out okay and I think that these are some of the best bird feet I have drawn.

Next up in Seuss-isms was the "I" in Green Eggs & Ham. I only realized now that he doesn't ever have a name in the story. It's always "I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-Am." Sam-I-Am has a name but the "I" doesn't. It was funny how easy the head was to draw but I had to draw and erase the hands multiple times.

This is my second favorite light display at the Garden of Lights from Sunday night. There were two huge spiders and this spiderweb. It was amazing. I promise that this is the last picture I'll post from that evening. Cross my heart.

My cleaning lady came today. Once she had the bedroom dusted and vacuumed I sat down to write while she finished cleaning the rest of the joint. Worked like a charm.

Writing went better. I wrote a philandering husband scene that was quite a challenge to write since I have no experience with them but I made stuff up, after all it's fiction. Managed to get 1458 words down before inspiration fled.

I went to the Green Bay Writers' Guild meeting tonight. I read a piece from Island Dreams that people liked and had a few comments. I sold two copies of Horizon and bought a book from another member. I still don't know anything about a critique group because I was too chicken to bring it up. There just didn't seem to be the right time to do it so I didn't. I'm so out of practice listening to people read that I think I'd be a drag on the group for a while. Maybe next month.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

A critique group would be hard for me too. Especially if you're the one being critiqued. Even if you asked for it!