Wednesday, December 7, 2022


That's Mourning Doves in one word. There was a good-size flock of them under the feeders pecking around for spilled seed but when I reached to pick up the camera they flew off as if I had threatened them. Doves. I held the camera for a few minutes and managed to catch this lone Dove stopping back for the drink.

I decided that today would be gift wrapping day. I carried down a basket of gifts the other day and I grabbed another laundry basket and carried down the rest of them today. It took me longer than I thought it would to wrap them all and I missed Durwood because he was a much better and more enthusiastic gift wrapper than I have ever been. But I managed to get them all wrapped including two gifts for LC's birthday which is early in January. I need to pick up a couple gift cards and then I'll be done shopping. I think. Maybe I need one more gift for someone small...

On the next page of Sketching were cartoons of office supplies so that's what I drew. They're silly but I enjoyed drawing them.

I turned the page in my sketchbook and kept drawing stuff that was around me--a mug of hot chocolate, the pencil I was drawing with, and my phone. Then I decided to draw the Cat in the Hat's hat that is on the cover of Seuss-isms. I needed something colorful on the page.

There was a three-hour series of David Attenborough shows about the Great Barrier Reef on the Smithsonian Channel tonight so I watched it and knitted on the Limited Edition Wingspan. I guess I added an inch. The more I knit on it the shorter the rows get. I like that part.

Today is the third day of no sunshine and I'm getting a little tired of the drear. Lack of sunshine means lack of energy for me. *sigh* It's going to be a long winter if it keeps being like this. I spent what would have been writing time wrapping gifts today so I didn't get any words on the page, but I'm glad that the gifts are wrapped.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Your Christmas gifts look very festive. I'm skipping the holiday this year. All my decorations, cards, gifts already brought and stashed lost in the flood of Ian. And I had soooo much cute stuff. My hearts just not into it.